Japanese Maple Forest No. 2

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This Japanese Maple Bonsai Forest (Acer palmatum) is in a 16" wide, glazed ceramic container with 7 individual trees. The trees range in height, with the tallest tree standing 19" tall. The Japanese Maple is a deciduous tree with orange and red leaf color in the fall. This material was selected specifically for its small foliage size and short internode length.


Scientific Name Acer palmatum
Pot 16" x 12" x 2" glazed Ceramic
Height ~19"
Watering Water daily during the growing season; do not let the soil dry out completely. Less water is required during the winter months.
Repotting Every one to two years, or as necessary.
Pruning Trim new shoots throughout the growing season. Defoliate mid-summer to induce a second flush of smaller leaves.